Blessed the man, blessed the woman, who listens to me, awake and ready for me each morning, alert and responsive as I start my day’s work. When you find me, you find life, real life, to say nothing of GOD ’s good pleasure. But if you wrong me, you damage your very soul; when you reject me, you’re flirting with death. (Proverbs‬ ‭8:32)

Listening for Wisdom reminds me of a time when I saw my next-door neighbour, a lady in her late eighties, walking home from town with her two dogs constantly jumping up and yapping at the very heavy-looking bags in her hands.

I asked if I could carry the bags for her and, on the way home, queried if the contents was food for her dogs. "No," she replied, "it’s fish for me," I curled my nose up and responded blankly that I didn’t like fish very much, and she responded, "Neither do I!" Then why are you eating it I asked? Her response floored me: “I eat it because it’s good for me - not because I like it!”

Listen up, Child of the Living GOD, Wisdom is crying out….!

“Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️



NB - New and urgent prayer requests and updates are coming in thick and fast and getting too long to just be tagged onto the daily encouragement. As such, I've created a separate page for you to view on the link below, which will be updated constantly.

The Lord Bless you for caring ❤️