(Psalm 55:22) "Pile your troubles on GOD’s shoulders— he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out."

If Jesus knows all our thoughts, hopes and dreams, then surely he already knows that we’re highly envious of all the ‘things’ that we feel will (somehow) magically complete us!

“Oh, if only I had her body”…

"Oh, if only I had her husband”…

"Oh, if only I had his job”…

"Oh, if only I had their money”…

"Oh, if only I had kids like theirs” …

"Oh, if only I had their luck …. etc etc etc !?”

King Solomon was rich and wise beyond anything we can ever imagine, and the last thing he wrote was (Ecclesiastes ‭12:13‬): All has been heard; the end of the matter is: Fear God [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is] and keep His commandments, for this is the whole of man [the full, original purpose of his creation, the object of God’s providence, the root of character, the foundation of all happiness, the adjustment to all inharmonious circumstances and conditions under the sun] and the whole [duty] for every man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it is good or evil.

So 2025, instead of trying to con myself into believing all the la la that the ‘oh so clever’ would have me believe will ‘complete me,’ I’m going to pray: “Holy Father, Jesus told us that You gave him the power to raise Lazarus from death, decomposition and decay. That being the case, you can help me with everything happening in my life. I give you all my dreams and aspirations. I lay down all my plans and schemes at your feet and surrender…. Help me, Lord, to turn back to you in ALL things. To trust you in ALL things and NOT let go-ever. Amen!!

GOD, who created all our hearts, says, “Let me hold you close, my child, and I will show you how to break free and live! Do your part and trust in Me enough to honour Me.” ❤️

Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve those who are sick amongst us—Sebastian, Nathaniel, Amy, Franca, Daniela, Kristina, Paul, Roger, Alastair, Ian, Alex, Alexander, Lynette, James, Keiron, Samantha, Jay, Liliana, Maria, Susanna, and those you bring to our minds right now… Please grant your healing power to those who minister to all the sick among us so they may be strengthened in their weakness and have confidence in your loving care. We pray this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 🙏