By entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us—set us right with him, make us fit for him—we have it all together with God because of our Master Jesus. And that’s not all: We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand—out in the wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise.
There’s more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we’re never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary—we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit! (Rom 5:1)
If we don’t see our Heavenly Father as loving, forgiving and gracious then we’ll always be on the merry-go-round of: trying to please him ... failing ... apologising ... trying to do better ... failing ... drifting away ... apologising (again) …
But when we break the cycle by determining to stay in His Presence no matter what ... when we 'choose' to walk and talk with Him, share our life’s pleasures (and pains) with Him, we ensure the communion we need to survive in this world.
Give us a fresh start! Then all your people will taste your joy and gladness. Pour out even more of your love on us! Reveal more of your kindness and restore us back to you! Now I’ll listen carefully for your voice and wait to hear whatever you say. Let me hear your promise of peace— the message every one of your godly lovers longs to hear. Don’t let us in our ignorance turn back from following you. For I know your power and presence shines on all your lovers. Your glory always hovers over all who bow low before you. (Psa 85:6-9). Amen
Leslie - A young woman who has urgently been admitted to hospital and is now in her 'final days!' Please pray for her soul, and her husband ...
L - Excellent Praise Report last night: "Everything I wrote down in the last few days I have been speaking it over my life, it has been helping tremendously brother thank you this will not stop now I feel like I'm back. I'm not in control because God's in control, my hand is off the steering wheel. He's got this one Amen! ...
E - Please pray for a very special young girl who has very recently lost her mum to cancer. She has already overcome cancer already in her young life, and may now face that battle again. She is an absolute fighter but desperately needs every prayer possible. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
C - Who's lost all hope and he can't see any future. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
V - a beautiful lady who's struggling with terrible alcoholism. She's been clean for a few weeks but needs support. Peace, salvation, and healing, please ...
G - A close family member who's struggling with diabetes and healing to his finger because the doctor's are concerned that's it's not healing. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
My friend Ian - who's undergone some pretty severe, invasive and intense head surgery to remove a growth. Update from yesterday evening: For progress to continue and healing to take place with no setbacks. Swelling in the leg to go down and oedema in the face to dissipate. For the results of the biopsy on the tumour to come back with no cancer in due course. Whilst I am healing physically, I'm struggling mentally to be honest as I come to terms with it all. Peace, health and Grace please upon this precious family as they are all dealing with their own extremely painful individual issues ...
Emma - she contacted me with the following report: I have just had 2 very bad falls. My doctor sent me to A&E straight away but haven't got any better. I have bruises all over and as my face hit the wall spectacularly, Actually I feel desperate and ill with hideous migraines and been told to expect it because I landed so heavily. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Chrissy - who has undergone some serious treatment for cancer of the oesophagus. Chrissy's sister has now arranged to come and stay with her 2 days a week and this gives her some much needed support, love and help. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
M - She's struggling with severe chest and lung issues and refusing all assistance or medication. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
S - A close family member who gave me the following update: The Excellent News is that the surgery results confirm the cancer hasn’t spread. I’m so very thankful for this result and although the news of a second tumour wasn’t expected, I’m Choosing to Believe the right path is still being taken. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Terry - Please can we pray for reconciliation with his daughter and especially her husband who's battling alcoholism and who won't let him see his grandaughter. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
W - a beautiful lady who's already struggling with the self-recrimination of an ugly divorce, and now terrible alcoholism (and all its horrendous ramifications)! Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Rory - Only 30 years old and has just been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Tonia - A close family member who is still bravely struggling with the effects of chemo for breast cancer and now also serious heart and lung issues. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Tracey - So, the bubble has (finally) disappeared, and she says she can now see an outline of me, "but everything about you is blurred!" I told her that's exactly how I am (lol). We continue to watch the progress by faith. Hallelujah! Peace and healing please ...
Young Lydia - Lydia's heart specialist is going to try her on a relatively new drug to slow her ridiculously high heart rate which was triggered as a direct result of the trauma that she suffered last year, and is affecting every aspect of her life. She is also feeling sick a lot and has various stomach pains which come and go, and which stop her from wanting to eat which means she has lost loads more weight. Please can people pray that the new medication to be sorted soon and to be highly effective, for her nausea to go completely, for her to be able to start doing gentle exercise to build her heart muscles, for her to feel more like eating as other symptoms are dealt with. For those who want to know more about how she’s coping, and what to pray into, she’s actually pouring out her life thoughts on Instagram under the title: stoma_life_lydia
Barbara - who is undergoing severe treatment for pancreatic cancer. Peace, salvation and healing please …
Mark - who's suffering the effects of long-term sexual abuse. Please pray that his relationship with Jesus strengthens and he can be healed of all past hurts ...
Damien - who at only 13 years old has had to have emergency surgery and a colostomy bag fitted due to having developed Crohn’s disease. A lot to deal with at such a young age. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Shad - Latest report is that he's still bed-bound in a specialised nursing home with just short times in a chair and still nil by mouth. His wife Joy took a care course at the hospital to help with some of his care. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
As well as quite a few others (and GOD knows who they are), who wish to remain anonymous but are really going through some yukky stuff right now ...
Brothers and Sisters, we know a LOVING GOD who answers prayer, and wants to work His Peace and Kindness through US - Love is as Love does - THANK YOU