Near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem there was a pool, in Hebrew called Bethesda, with five alcoves. Hundreds of sick people—blind, crippled, paralyzed—were in these alcoves. One man had been an invalid there for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him stretched out by the pool and knew how long he had been there, he said, “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:1)
I've often thought about this particular miracle, and then yesterday, I saw for the first time the interpretation of it on 'The Chosen.'
For those who have never seen the program, The Chosen is a historical drama series about the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. which focuses more deeply on the people who encountered Jesus and shows Jesus through the eyes of those who met him.
Click the link below and take a look for yourself and be blessed ...
L - He sent me update just now. Feeling a lot better, thanks to all that prayed. I'm at work today and I've got my Pastor coming round tomorrow. Please continue to pray for him as he battles with self-worth and purpose. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
My friend Ian - who's undergone some pretty severe, invasive and intense head surgery to remove a growth. He sent me this update late last night after a hospital visit: Apparently it will be months before my face swelling goes. Prayer please that temperatures remain constant, that swelling will start to go and for no infections in my mouth please. Peace, health and Grace please upon this precious family as they are all dealing with their own extremely painful individual issues ...
Emma - she contacted me with the following report: I have just had 2 very bad falls. My doctor sent me to A&E straight away but haven't got any better. I have bruises all over and as my face hit the wall spectacularly, Actually I feel desperate and ill with hideous migraines and been told to expect it because I landed so heavily. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Chrissy - who has undergone some serious treatment for cancer of the oesophagus. Chrissy's sister has now arranged to come and stay with her 2 days a week and this gives her some much needed support, love and help. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
A - A close family member who's struggling with her second episode of painful and debilitating shingles. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
M - She's struggling with severe chest and lung issues and refusing all assistance or medication. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
S - A close family member who's just given me the following update: "Surgery complete, Histology results within the next 3 weeks…. I am very confident I’m going to be absolutely fine - all your Love and Prayers are absolutely working!" Continued peace, salvation and healing please ...
Terry - Please can we pray for reconciliation with his daughter and especially her husband who's battling alcoholism and who won't let him see his grandaughter. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
W - a beautiful lady who's already struggling with the self-recrimination of an ugly divorce, and now terrible alcoholism (and all its horrendous ramifications)! Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Rory - Only 30 years old and has just been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Tonia - A close family member who is still bravely struggling with the effects of chemo for breast cancer and now also serious heart and lung issues. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Tracey - So, the bubble has (finally) disappeared, and she says she can now see an outline of me, "but everything about you is blurred!" I told her that's exactly how I am (lol). We continue to watch the progress by faith. Hallelujah! Peace and healing please ...
Young Lydia - For those who want to know more about how she's coping, and what to pray into, she's actually pouring out her life thoughts on Instagram under the title: stoma_life_lydia ... Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Barbara - who is undergoing severe treatment for pancreatic cancer. Peace, salvation and healing please …
Mark - who's suffering the effects of long-term sexual abuse. Please pray that his relationship with Jesus strengthens and he can be healed of all past hurts ...
Damien - who at only 13 years old has had to have emergency surgery and a colostomy bag fitted due to having developed Crohn’s disease. A lot to deal with at such a young age. Peace, salvation and healing please ...
Shad - who's been in hospital for approx 18 months now after waking up one morning and finding he couldn't move his arms and legs. Please pray also for his wife Joy ...
As well as quite a few others (and GOD knows who they are), who wish to remain anonymous but are really going through some yukky stuff right now ...
NB - What started off as just a few people crying out for help, is slowly manifesting as an exponential reality of just what's going on in our neighborhoods, and on our very doorsteps!
Brothers and Sisters, we know a LOVING GOD who answers prayer, and wants to work His Peace and Kindness through us - Love is as Love does - THANK YOU