(1 Peter‬ ‭2:21) "This is the kind of life you’ve been invited into, the kind of life Christ lived. He suffered everything that came his way so you would know that it could be done, and also know how to do it, step-by-step…"

Once again, we come heart to heart with our 'Emmanuel', our 'GOD-with-us.' And once again, He spells out what it means to go through everything that comes our way!

What a Powerful, encouraging Scripture! In effect, our Lord Jesus came and 'put up’ with everything that came his way so that WE could know how to handle things that come our way!

A) We could know that whatever we face is achievable through His Grace and by His Holy Spirit.

B) We could be assured of it's success by following his Holy Spirit’s step-by-step guide.

But first, it's maybe time for a wash... Lord, I'm so sorry for always jumping in and trying to put everything right in my own way and, after glimpsing the diagnosis, not even including you in the prognosis. Please forgive me and help me humbly follow you now in this situation. Speak, Lord; my heart is listening. Amen.

Holy Spirit, please touch the heart of whoever is reading this. Draw them into Your presence and show them that You continue to speak and answer prayers today. Amen. ❤️

Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve those who are sick amongst us—Alastair, Barbara, Ian, Alex, Alexander, James, Keiron, Jay, Liliana, Maria, Susanna, and those you bring to our minds right now... Please grant your healing power to those who minister to all the sick among us so they may be strengthened in their weakness and have confidence in your loving care. We pray this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.