(2 Tim 3:16) “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.”

When GOD comes to Church!

The locals had said that it was the coldest January they had known, and as it was approaching 8pm in the evening, it seemed to be getting even more frigid. The vast old Catholic church would have benefitted from a working heating system, yet all the Priest could manage was one old torpedo heater that didn’t do much more than offer the dim hope of heat. In fact, it was so cold that when the young Priest ushered the visiting preacher up to the pulpit, he was still wearing his coat, scarf, and gloves!

Five hours later (at 1 a.m. in the early morning), the queue to the altar for prayer had expanded exponentially. It appeared that those who had already received a blessing had run home and gathered friends and neighbours, encouraging them to come back with them!

The preacher had noticed him some hours before. Hour after hour, his gaze never left the preacher, and it was as if he was living the metaphor of literally hanging on his every word. The lighting wasn’t too good from where he stood, but the preacher could see the man was somewhere in his early 40s and that everything about him oozed stylishly expensive; in fact, his coat alone (was it cashmere?) must have cost a month’s salary at least and wasn’t worn for the cold but placed elegantly over his shoulders. He was sat transfixed in his pew together with a young lady. She didn’t look interested in any way and kept tugging at his hands as if to persuade him to leave …

Finally, as if concluding the hardest decision he had ever made, the man stood abruptly and, together with the young lady, entered the line which slowly made its way to the altar.

When he finally stood before the preacher, the preacher did as he always did. He placed one hand on the man’s shoulder, closed his eyes, and prayed silently as he waited for direction from the Holy Spirit. After a few seconds, a gentle breeze floated around the couple. The preacher’s eyes shot wide open, and he said, “Take the young lady home and return to me with your wife as I wish to speak to you both…”

Sometime later, the man returned with his wife, who looked as angry as she was confused, considering it was now almost 3 am of the morning. Again, the preacher placed his hand on the man’s shoulder, and once again, the breeze descended, and he heard himself saying. “I called you to my service many years ago, and instead of serving me as you promised, you have taken of that which I gave and used it for yourself …!” (I'll end the reprimand there as I’m sure you can put together the rest)!

The man and his wife both fell to their knees as if they’d been struck from behind and wept loudly (repented) for ages, then went completely silent as if dead. NB - They left together much later that early January morning, to all intents and purposes, looking quite like a young couple in love.

Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️

Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve those who are sick amongst us—such as Barbara and Ian fighting cancer. We also pray for a quick and full healing for Jay. Please grant your power of healing to those who minister to all the sick among us so that they may be strengthened in their weakness and have confidence in your loving care. We pray this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 🙏