I came tired and heavy-laden, dry and grimy, the light of Jesus dim within me. Wooed and led to this pool by His gentle voice, I was expectant but apprehensive, excited and yearning.

“Lord,” I had cried, “I want you to break me, cleanse me, refresh me. Put your arms around me. Enfold Your bride and whisper words of love to me … I miss you, Lord. Please hurry … find me!”

“I remember the times when I soared with Eagles wings, Every sinew alive, pulsating. Your lifeblood in me. But now … Lord, take me to the high peaks – let me fly again.”

“Step into the water, child – this pool of life. Go deeper. Let the cool waters wrap around you.”

“This is good, Lord!”

“My child, trust Me, dive into the deep. Take your feet from the ground and plunge into the depths of My Love. Trust Me – Trust Me! Let My Spirit cleanse you.”

Deeper and deeper I go … Peace. His Peace flowing – caressing me. There it is! There it is – that beautiful pearl – the Heart of God!

“Touch it, child – take it – receive it – it’s yours to cherish!”

“My Jesus, my Lord.” Warm tears flow from me. Taking away the hurts that bound me. “I’m free – I’m Yours. I give You all of me … Lord, I thank You that You’ve forgiven me.”

“Let me stay here in this pool with You, Lord, we can …

Sorry Lord, I know I must return to the battlefield – strengthened, refreshed, your fire burning and shining in me.”

“This pool – Lord, how can I ever forget it. Inviting, welcoming, crystal clear and sparkling. Deep and steadfast. It's filled with Your love. It’s brought Joy, it’s brought Healing – it’s brought ME back home to You.” Eddie Badger, Gartcosh, Glasgow. 1995

We first met Eddie at a men's conference. He appeared to be a lovely, unassuming man who was given this 'poem of life' one evening during his prayer time. We were all encouraged to 'share' the following morning, and when he shared this, it closed down the prospective morning sessions - leaving all 50+ men sniffling and reaching for the tissues.

Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️

NB - Thank you for your continuing prayer support for Jean and Ian. I got the following prayer update yesterday from Jean's brother in law: "...She (seems a lot better) as she's sending me to her home to go and get personal stuff to the hospital for her...

Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve your sick servant, and give your power of healing to those who minister to her needs so that she may be strengthened in her weakness and have confidence in your loving care. We pray this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.