"...There are a lot of people around who can’t wait to tell you what you’ve done wrong, but there aren’t many fathers willing to take the time and effort to help you grow up. (1 Cor 4:15).

(I'm still receiving great texts from you to let me know how much you're praying for Jean and Ian. Thank you so much.)

Anyway, when I was young in Christ, my mentor would either call or write to me almost every day. She would bless me with Scriptures that really spoke to my heart as well as fabulous words of Knowledge that, in truth, spoke to my choices and stopped me from making so many wrong decisions.

I don’t know about you, but giving me 5 ‘real’ one-to-one minutes with someone who’s been there and can answer the questions that I have roiling around in my heart is a gazillion times better than sending me a link, pointing me to a self-help book, or making me watch an hour on YouTube…!

In fact, if you haven't got a mentor, ask God to reveal one to you, and if you haven't got a mentee, then likewise!

And to the prospective mentors—PLEASE don’t do this for kudos! Don't be a distant teacher—in fact, don't just be a teacher. Get down next to them, be a father and help them grow up. Ask GOD to reveal someone in need and put the same effort into the relationship that you would expect to receive—guidance, advice, feedback, and support. NB - the pipe flows BOTH ways. I have certainly learned more in the giving than in receiving!

In addition to serving as their role model, teacher, counsellor, advisor, sponsor, advocate, and ally, the end game is to provide them with all the tools they need to become a better version of themselves!

And always remember the Scripture: "There are a lot of people around who can’t wait to tell you what you’ve done wrong, but there aren’t many fathers willing to take the time and effort to help you grow up!"

Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️