"...But when Moses delivered this message to the Israelites, they didn’t even hear him—they were that beaten down in spirit ... (Exodus 6:9)

It's humbling to see how so many of you have taken up the mantle of praying continually for Jean and Ian. Thank you so much.

Reading this above Scripture reminded me just how bad my own relationships had gotten before I met Jesus. I blamed everything squarely on my toxic relationship with Jack Daniels (pun intended), but the truth was – I actually hated myself for being so weak!

Looking at me, you would have baulked at giving me the ‘Good News!’ I had become so paranoid that I had a fear of rejection and, as such, became intensely suspicious of everyone's motives. I was cynical to the point of reprehensible and disgustingly creative with my put-downs. But all this was a front … like the Israelite slaves mentioned above, I, too, had no hope and was so beaten down in spirit that I could only see one terrible way out - and had already begun planning my exit from this world!

Then, one day, circumstance took over and while lying in a hospital bed with enough tubes in me to make me look like a porcupine, a young lady doctor loved me enough to put up with my la la (and boy, was I giving it out) and after I'd finally quit spewing out my bile like a spent volcano), she would lovingly bow her head and pray for me!

One evening after her rounds, she visited and asked if she could introduce me to the "Person of Salvation." I was quite expecting her to invite someone else into the room when she just bowed her head and began to pray a prayer that lovingly invited and introduced me to Salvation - all wrapped up in a person that she called Jesus.

I was her captive audience for the best part of 10 days, and during that time, I did my best to get her to speak about anything other than what Jesus had done for her. But she remained fixed, and what I remember the most was her genuine and seemingly selfless fraternal (and non-sexual) love for me.

During the time I was in the hospital, her loving kindness helped me to acknowledge my desperate reality by pointing me to the ideal. I later saw and understood that only when we sincerely empathize with people and how they've arrived at where they are can we introduce them to the Jesus that GOD sent.

Set someone free today. Just love on them and introduce them to Jesus. He'll do the rest (I promise)!

Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️