“Do not be overcome and conquered by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom 12:21)

Another great testimony came in (the donor wishes to remain anonymous and has asked for my help with formatting).

"It was a cold, wet Sunday, and as usual, we were very late getting to Church. By the time we’d sorted all the kids into their various groups and managed to seat ourselves, the service had already begun, and I could feel my anger-fuelled stress rising. In fact, I was so put off by this regular ‘arrive late Sunday routine’ that I couldn’t think of anything else throughout the service and decided that I was going to severely lay the law down with my family when we got home.

I was so absorbed in my anger that I only noticed that the Church was holding communion when the row in front of me began to kneel. At that point, I noticed the state of the young mother's shoes. As I said, it was extremely cold, windy, and pouring with rain outside, yet she only had on some thin ballet pumps, no socks, and the soles had more holes in them than a block of Swiss cheese!

All my stress-induced anger, my pre-prepared speech to my family, and my holier-than-thou attitude lifted right off my shoulders as I felt the Lord's gentle, loving Presence, and my heart broke for this single mother.

We blessed her after the service, and the look on her face that day taught me a tremendous lesson—don't even think about laying down the law; expect and always leave space in your heart for Grace.

Our Heaven Father reminds me, “...the God of all grace [who imparts His blessing and favour], who called you to His own eternal glory in Christ, will Himself complete, confirm, strengthen, and establish you [making you what you ought to be]. To Him be dominion (power, authority, sovereignty) forever and ever. Amen.." (1 Peter 5:10)

Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️