“If you [really] love Me, you will keep and obey My commandments." (John 14:15)

I asked you for testimonies that would glorify the Lord some time ago. This one has just now come in from my friend and pastor, John Smith.

“It was a Monday morning, and as some of you will know, when I wasn’t serving at the church, I worked as a car mechanic.

Anyway, as I was working away on a car, my mind revolved around some of the people in the church, and I began praying for the needs I knew about. As I began praying for them, the Lord seemed to put a particular woman onto my mind and directed me to go and help her. In fact, he insisted that I was to ‘go now’ and give her whatever I had in my wallet.

The urgency became so demanding that I just downed tools, wiped off my hands, got into my car, and headed to her address. When she opened the door, I could see that she was upset about something, and as she stood dumbfoundedly staring at me, I just placed all the cash I had into her hand, blessed her, and left.

Some 15 years later, I found myself in the same village. As I was walking towards a row of shops, I heard my name being called, and I looked up to see this same lady.

She was talking to two other women, and smiling broadly, she excitedly beckoned me over to join them. She seemed totally flustered by my presence and introduced me eagerly by saying, “This is the man I was just talking about.” She then described how she was desperately struggling with her finances some 15 years ago, how her electricity bill reminder had just come in that morning, and how she had no idea how to pay it.

She had just fallen onto her knees to pray when I knocked on her door and placed EXACTLY the amount of money she needed into her hand, blessed her and walked off!

(John finishes with): "We are truly blessed when we hear the Lord wants to include us in something he wants to do for someone. Often, we don’t get to know the reason or result; it’s between Him and that person. In this case, it was delightful to see that all those years later, what he did was still very much alive and being used to witness and possibly help others. His words never fall to the ground and never return to him void. We just have to listen and act. Thank you, Jesus."

Our Heaven Father says, “Heaven and earth [as now known] will pass away, but My words will not pass away." (Matt 24:35)

Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️