Behold! He appears within the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him. And all the people groups of the earth will weep with sorrow because of him. And so it is to be! Amen. (Rev 1:7)
My wife and I watched “I Believe” on NETFLIX a while ago. It covered the testimony of Jeremy Camp, who, at only 20 years of age, suffered tremendous hurt, heartache and pain as he watched as the young love of his life die of cancer.
In the midst of all this turmoil, he didn’t fold or quit but found the faith to put down his heart’s thoughts, and as such, he's written many of our most beautiful Worship songs.
I enjoy most songs, but songs that really stick in my mind are those that seem to have been crafted through much pain and tears. For example, Horatio Spafford wrote the classic: "It Is Well With My Soul" after the sinking of the 'Ville du Havre', and all four of his daughters perished ...
To me, another beautifully crafted song that speaks to our pain and suffering is “Sometimes He Comes in the Clouds.” by Stephen Curtis Chapman...
Sometimes He comes in the rain
And we question the pain
And wonder why God can seem so far away
But time will show us, He was right there with us
And sometimes He comes in the clouds
Sometimes His face cannot be found
Sometimes the sky is dark and grey
And sometimes, our faith can only grow
when we can’t see…
Sometimes I see me, a sailor out on the ocean
So brave and so sure, as long as the skies are clear
But when the clouds start to gather
I watch my faith turn to fear,
Sometimes He comes in the clouds
Sometimes His face can not be found
Sometimes the sky is dark and grey
But some things can only be known
And sometimes, our faith can only grow
When we can't see
... So sometimes he comes in the clouds

NB - New and urgent prayer requests and updates are coming in thick and fast and getting too long to just be tagged onto the daily encouragement. As such, I've created a separate page for you to view on the below link, which will be updated constantly ...
The Lord Bless you for caring