"This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him And saved him from all his troubles." (Psalm 34:6)

There was an earthquake in Armenia in 1988. Tragically, this earthquake left 30,000 people dead in just four minutes!

And among the countless buildings that collapsed, one of the buildings tragically was a school where there were a lot of elementary children.

So, all the parents who had survived the earthquake ran up to school to see if their children had survived, but all they saw was a pile of rubble.

A few of the parents ran up to the rubble, shouted for their children to see if there was a response, and started ripping a few bricks off. But after a few minutes, they realised this was hopeless, so they all just stopped—except for one dad.

He kept going, brick after brick, ripping them off, calling out his child’s name. After five hours, people started leaving and shaking their heads, just left him to it.

After twelve hours, the people remaining started mocking him.

After 38 hours, he took one final brick off, and there was his son staring up at him, surrounded by his friends in a pocket of air.

Turning to his friends, his son proudly said, “You see, I told you my dad would come and get us out!”

And so, my friends. This is the love of GOD for you! When we were without hope and covered in the rubble of sin. When no one could be bothered with us anymore, and the silence of an imminent grave covered up our frantic cries. Jesus didn’t give up on us. He heard our cries from the darkness of our despair and began digging us out from our place of imminent death and transferred us ‘whole’ into His Kingdom of Eternal Life.

As usual, I asked the Lord what He wanted to say, and He led me to this Scripture: "I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of a horrible pit [of tumult and of destruction], out of the miry clay, And He set my feet upon a rock, steadying my footsteps and establishing my path." (Psalm 40:1)

“Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️