“I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. (Psa 16:8)

So, I've recently been busy replacing as many external hard-wired lamps and light fittings as possible with cost-effective solar-powered models. (It's 31 degrees over here; it's always sunny and extremely hot!)

Anyway, I walk into the house to get some water and my wife is listening to some guy on the TV speaking about Joseph, and as I open the fridge door, I catch the statement, "Joseph made himself available to GOD."

Not really thinking much about it, I walk back outside to carry on my work, and as I turn on my Audiobook, I hear the statement, “Are you available to the One who is always available for you?”

This stops me dead in my tracks … have I ‘really’ made myself available to the One who is always available to me?

We get great teaching on being available to our spouses, our children, and our families, but what about GOD, and what does this practically mean?

Availability can mean submitting my time, talents, and resources to GOD. It means taking steps in obedience even when it costs me. It means prioritizing GOD's ways of living over my own desires. It means living with the knowledge that, as a follower of Christ, my life is not my own... OR ... it can simply mean that I love my Lord so much that I want to be with Him as much as I can!

As usual, I've asked the Lord what He wants to say to us, and I believe He led me here.

"I know each and every one of my Children by name and created all of my them to have a special and mutually beneficial relationship with me... Come and see for yourself.”

“Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️