“Put your entire trust in the Master Jesus. Then you’ll live as you were meant to live—and everyone in your house included!” (Acts 16:31 MSG)

I wrote recently about how this Scripture became alive to me. I also mentioned that I really felt the Lord asking me to ask YOU the question - what does it mean to you?

Here's another magnificent response (anonymously donated by a very dear Pastor brother from the UK).

"Many years ago, when I was about 3 years old, I was very unwell, laid in a bed chair, pretty much out of it, when suddenly I saw in my mind surrounding me a huge thumb. This carried on for a couple of days, and then I got better; I've never forgotten that, and years later, after I came into the Kingdom, I realized way back then I was in the palm of the Lord's hand and have always been held by him, never letting me go no matter what I did. And now more than 70 years later his loving kindness amazes me every day; there is nowhere anyone can be as secure all our days than knowing we are in the palm of his hand. Seek, and you Will find."

Isn't that just wonderfully encouraging? Come on, send me YOURS now ... you can see from the recent testimonies that they are such an encouragement to all those reading them ...

Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️



NB - New and urgent prayer requests and updates are coming in thick and fast and getting too long to just be tagged onto the daily encouragement. As such, I've created a separate page for you to view using the link below, which will be updated constantly.

The Lord Bless you for caring ❤️