(Matt 19:26) “Jesus looked at them and said, With men this is impossible, but all things are possible with God.”

When GOD comes to Church! (6)

My boss at the time asked me to give his cleaner a lift home one evening after work. We talked in the car, and this was her reply after I asked if she knew Jesus.

“Do I know Jesus,” she began, her face beaming. “Let me tell you how I got to know Jesus. I was a single mother as my then-boyfriend ran out on me when he found out I was pregnant. My son was born in early 1960, and he must have been only five or six years old when I noticed that he was struggling to walk or even move his body well. He cried constantly, complaining often of the severe pain in his joints. There were very few specialists in England at that time, and although I took him to all of them and he suffered lots of hospital tests, no one managed to help him. Finally – a place became available at a specialist hospital. I tried to visit many times during the following days, but the Matron always stopped me at the door and cited that it would be too traumatic for my son to see me in such a state!

“When I finally managed to see him, I could have died! There was a diabolical sequence of torturous pulleys surrounding his bed and his ever so tiny body lay stretched out with his scrawny arms and legs being pulled from his little frame using extreme traction. The Matron was right - I screamed and fainted on the spot!

“Please bear in mind that this was a time when doctors didn’t have to explain themselves to the general populace. I had a vague recollection of people staring at me as I travelled back on the bus, sobbing my heart out. In fact, you can never understand quite what I mean when I tell you that I cannot remember a day or time when I was not crying thereafter…!

I couldn’t function anymore, sleep or eat… One day, my next-door neighbour must have taken pity on me and came around with her Pastor. All I remember (through my sobbing tears) is them arriving and then sitting and having tea – I remember them bowing their heads and praying and asking Jesus to help - but for the life in me, I cannot remember anything else they said. What I do remember, though, is that once they’d left and the door slammed shut, I’d stopped crying!

Moreover, I just ‘knew’ that whatever they prayed must have had an effect. In fact, I had such an assurance that my boy was now well that I grabbed my coat and hat and rushed off to the hospital. The Matron wouldn't grant me access because I hadn’t made an appointment. Well, I made such a stink in reception and insisted that they bring my son out to me this instance! An hour or so later, a doctor sheepishly approached me with his arm on my son’s shoulder. “My good lady,” he began, “I’m not sure how you’ve arrived here at this time, but this morning, while we were performing our ongoing tests, we noticed a marked change in your son. We dared to remove him from traction, and he now seems perfectly normal. I can only assure you that we’ve witnessed an absolute miracle…!


Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️

Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve those who are sick amongst us—such as Barbara and Ian fighting cancer. We also pray for a quick and full healing for Jay and Liliana. Please grant your power of healing to those who minister to all the sick among us so that they may be strengthened in their weakness and have confidence in your loving care. We pray this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 🙏