(Matthew 16:18) (Jesus speaking) “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

When GOD comes to Church! (2)

I picked up my friend from Heathrow after he’d returned from a preaching engagement in America and couldn’t help but notice that he now sported a HUGE golden ring on his finger (about the size of a small fridge)! “How on earth did you get that thing?” I asked. Here is his story…

“As you know, I flew to (a certain City in America) in response to a Pastor’s request. Sunday came, and I was asked to lead worship. I was totally engrossed in the music, yet song after song, I became increasingly aware of the Holy Spirit’s urging to stop and hear Him. I must be honest; I was confused and more interested in the awesome worship and the Pastor dancing wildly before me like David in the Bible, his massive ring shooting beams of golden light everywhere!

Suddenly, the “still small Voice” became a loud BOOMING ROAR and penetrating my reverie, the Holy Spirit said, “Tell the Pastor that if he doesn’t stop his affair with the lady playing the keyboard, I will take him home …!”

“I was dumbfounded…!” Although the worship group continued with their song, and the Pastor continued his frenzied dance, I just stood stunned and wondered if I’d misheard. “Lord?” I asked quaveringly. “Was that really you?” At that, the still, small Voice repeated, “Tell the Pastor that if he doesn’t stop his affair with the lady playing the keyboard, I will take him home …!” Finally, I held up my hands to stop the worship, my voice no more than a mouse-like squeak, “Pastor, I believe I have a ‘private’ Word for you from the Lord …!” The Pastor, panting and dripping with sweat, hunched over before me, his hands on his knees. Breathlessly, he said, “Then say it, man!” “No Pastor!” I said my voice squeaking even louder, “This is a ‘personal’ Word just for you!” The Pastor responded fervently by turning around and taking in the whole Church with his arms, saying, “This is our Church, and we have no secrets from each other. Spit it out, man!” NO, PASTOR,” I began pleading…! “STOP WITH THIS NONSENSE,” shouted the Pastor, “I INSIST!” Throwing his arms in the air, he held his head upwards and screamed, “GIVE ME THE WORD OF THE LORD!

My friend told me that he literally dropped to his knees as he uttered those heart-piercing words, “Pastor, I am to tell you that if you don’t stop your affair with the lady playing the keyboard, the Lord will take you home …!”

Apparently, you could have heard a pin drop – that is until the woman at the keyboard finally broke the silence as she ran screaming from the Church as if she was being chased by a demon. The Pastor, however, collapsed right where he stood and began thrashing around on the floor, moaning unintelligibly as if possessed. Elders and servers rushed forward to envelop him and, after a long while, managed to drag him into a private room where all you could hear was the sound of items breaking, a lot of loud screaming and thunderous banging.

Finally, to everyone's amazement, a tranquil silence descended upon the Church. All eyes turned as the door to the private room creaked open slowly, and four equally dishevelled elders awkwardly hauled the Pastor back to the front when he fell limp before my friend. With tears running down his face, the pastor knelt and turned slowly until he faced his wife and begged for her forgiveness. He then turned to the congregation and begged for their forgiveness, too. At his own request, he removed himself from office and placed himself under the care of the elders. He then turned to my friend and thanked him for his faithfulness in delivering such a difficult word, and he placed the ring (fridge) he’d been wearing onto his finger.

Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️

Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve those who are sick amongst us—such as Barbara and Ian fighting cancer. We also pray for a quick and full healing for Jay. Please grant your power of healing to those who minister to all the sick among us so that they may be strengthened in their weakness and have confidence in your loving care. We pray this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 🙏