(Jesus speaking) "... I will build My church; and the gates of Hades (death) will not overpower it [by preventing the resurrection of the Christ].” (Mat 16:18)

Vlad Savchuk always has a really interesting way of looking at things. Here’s what he recently said about the FLU …

“You don’t get the FLU by getting a lesson on it at a seminary on the FLU. You get the FLU by being around people who have it.

Have you noticed that the word influence has the word FLU in it? So, influence works the same way as a FLU – you catch it!

Hang out with people who drink, smoke, or cuss, and you will too. Why? Because these people have something over you that your pastor, or your parents, or your loved ones might not have–influence.

Bad habits are not taught – they’re caught! How do you catch them? By hanging out with people who have bad habits.

When I’m not around Christians, I have to intentionally practice confession and repentance so as to sanitise myself so that the contamination from this world doesn’t affect my soul.

Be aware you’re continually walking around people with the FLU – people who can and do 'influence' you, either for bad - or good. And yet most of us say, “No, no, no – this won’t affect me!” But unless your eyes are open to the truth, then it will!

Our Heaven Father reminds me that your source of help comes from the Lord. It's not your job to protect yourself—it's His job. As the Psalmist says, “The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life” (Psa 121:7)

Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death.” (Rev 2:11) ❤️